"The important thing when you fall down is to get up again" Winston Churchill

How many times your executives are confronted with multiple complex challenges to drive organizational and cultural transformations?

They don’t have the right talents in place to grasp business opportunities. It is getting harder for them to engage people in achieving their targets and foster innovation to make a competitive difference. Increasingly, most companies are fragmented and cross-functional work is getting difficult to develop. You and your direct reports may not have an accurate overview of where are your futur leaders and the quality of your leadership benchstrength. If you don’t engage any action to fix one of these issues, you will struggle to maintain a sustainable profitable growth and nurture happy people wihin your company.

Our Expertises

The mission of  GO4IT is to assess and develop the leadership skills of people within your company to support them in driving successfully transformations.



Our coaches and consultants are close to our clients, listen carefully to their needs, authentic people and able to challenge others positively. As a result, they build trusted relationships.


Our clients appreciate our capacity to adapt quickly our solutions to the constant changes within their compny. We are both rigorous and agile when executing projects.


We are curious and openminded. We take new approaches in a pragmatic manner to make a differenec for our clients.


Our consultants are using proving solutions based on their experience the quality of the tools. We measure the impact of our actions with KPIs defined upfront with our clients.



of CEOs say they don’t have the right talents to execute their strategie


of executives think that their direct reports need to develop their leadership skills


of leaders have more objectives to achieve than they did three years ago


of HR top executives want to redesign their Talent Management Program

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