Talent Management

The Challenges

  • The lack of objective and accurate data on people prevent you to have the right people at the right place to grasp business opportunities and support your organizational transformations (Merge and acquisitions, innovation, product launches, strategic partnerships)
  • You need predictive data on the readiness of your managers to enlarge their responsibilities, transition to new roles and develop your company, particularly for international development and to access to new markets
  • Your Talent Management governance and processes need to be more effective, as your company promotes the wrong people or your internal talent supply is not robust enough for your succession plans.
  • You have a hard time to identify your High Potentials. When they are well identified, too many of them leave your company. You are not satisfied with the outputs of your Talent Development program, as the return on investment is too low.


GO4IT Solutions

Our consulting, assessment and training services are based on best practices in the area of talent management.


  • Objective and predictive data to identify people with high potential for growth with a common talent management approach among top executives and HR people.
  • Executive leadership profiles aligned with your company strategic priorities and values supporting succession management, recruiting and leadership development activities
  • Precise diagnosis to assess the readiness of High Potential for identifying the gaps between their current capabilities and the requited capabilities in the targeted roles and design adapted individual development plans
  • Focused investments and personalized career path to accelerate their development
  • Global consolidated data on your talents to diagnose your company human capital strengths and risks at Business Units level, functional teams or your company level to take appropriate people decisions during annual people reviews

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